There are 25 pairs. If you have an event that needs healing, you can use a pendulum or intuition to identify the exact emotions linked to the event. Usually this will help bring clarity to the event and often the emotions will be transmuted and the event healed.

  1. Acceptance / Denial

  2. Admiration / Pity

  3. Anger / Tranquility

  4. Anticipation / Surprise

  5. Arousal / Lethargy

  6. Awe / Shock

  7. Compassion / Hate

  8. Composure / Panic

  9. Confidence / Fear

  10. Contentment / Anxiety

  11. Curiosity / Disinterest

  12. Desire / Repulsion

  13. Determination / Resignation

  14. Ecstasy / Depression

  15. Elation / Grief

  16. Excitement / Dread

  17. Fascination / Apathy

  18. Hope / Despair

  19. Joy / Sadness

  20. Loyalty / Betrayal

  21. Pleasure / Pain

  22. Pride / Shame

  23. Relief / Remorse

  24. Satisfaction / Disappointment

  25. Sympathy / Jealousy